Routes List


Creating new routes

New route

Import GPX

You can create a new route either by starting with a new blank route or by importing route data in GPX format.

Filtering and pagination

The control immediately above the table allows you to filter the routes displayed by route labels.

Clicking on a label shows just the route marked with that label.

Clicking 'All routes' will return you to the default view with all route included.

If there are more than 20 routes in the current filtered view they are split into pages of up to 20 routes

Page navigation allows you to view the previous, next or a particular numbered page.

Table columns

The layout for the site is responsive to the size of the screen on which on it is being displayed. To accommodate the table on smaller screens some columns may be hidden. On a large screen columns are shown for: sport, distance, name, last edited, notes, labels.

Table sorting

The table is sortable by any of the following columns: sport, distance, name, last edited.

Click the column header once re-sorts that table by the values in that column. Subsequent clicks on the same column header toggles the sort-order (ascending - descending).

The current sort order is shown by an up or down arrow in the currently sorted column header.

Inline editing

The name and notes fields of the routes table can be edited inline. Simply click on the field you'd like to edit and it will become an edit box. Click away from the edit box when you're done and the current contents will be saved.


Clicking the settings icon in the labels column header allows you to manage you route labels. You can create new labels, delete exiting labels, rename existing labels, or change the display colour for existing labels.

Clicking the label icon with a particular route's row allows you to change the labels assigned to that route.


Make this route publicly viewable / not publicly viewable to other users via the route search page.

View the route.

Edit the route

Share this route via you're email contacts or social media. You need to have previously linked you social media accounts in order to be able to share via Twitter or Facebook.

The share dialog has a tab for each available share provider (Facebook, Twitter, email). Each tab is pre-populated with your default message, the route details and web link. The message may be edited before sending.

In the email tab you can select the contacts to which the route will be sent. This tabs also contains controls for managing your contacts. So you can delete existing contacts here as well as creating new contacts.

Delete the route. This permanently remove the route from your account and cannot be undone.